Day of the Dead gets an Update…

I’ve always considered it such a bummer that we don’t get more into Day of the Dead here in the US-  perhaps it’s just too much to do the whole thing and still do halloween at the same time.  Maybe one of these days I will throw a party dedicated only to this theme.  It is simply the most beautiful and interesting aesthetic ever.  I love the colors- the patterns-  the amazing decorated skulls and intricately cut lace.

Day of the dead
photo cred: unknown

So all that being said- I was pretty excited  about this Dia de los Muertos inspired, low key  look.  To quote Iris Apfel, “More is more and less is a bore, ” and one of my favorite things to do with style is to break that terrible rule about “toning things down” (seriously-  what dull human invented that terrible rule- match a “loud” item with a “simple” item… uuugggggg) and instead I like to “tone things up”  It’s just more fun that way.  It’s literally so tough for me to dress in any sort of civilized manner anymore because I just have so much fun mixing together interesting colors and textures.  My girl Audrey of could tell you-  it gets freaking addictive!

thrifted style, day of the dead, blogger, fashion

I’m lucky enough to have this beautiful rainbow church right around the corner from my house- providing the perfect background for this ootd. The top and shorts are from Goodwill (coming in at less than $10) the earrings were $5 at the African Street Festival (my freaking favorite festival of the year!) in Nashville and the necklace was a gift from my fantastic sister Heather. The glasses are freaking rad AF because they are actually full on prescription (I have TERRIBLE vision)  from  I think all told- they cost me $15 in total, that’s including lenses and shipping!

fashion, style, thrifted style, sunglasses, zenni optical

photo cred: unknown

fashion, style, thrifted style, day of the dead

photo cred: unknown

thrifted style, colorful, rainbow

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Love and Thrift Friends!



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